2nd April, 2024. Post by Victor. Photos by Joey & Gina.
Be it for roti canai sardine or maggi goreng, the syiok sendiri spirit was well alive during our recent fans gathering. Gina’s homecoming for Raya celebration started the ball rolling and the idea took place in the form of supper at the famed Mahbub restaurant in Bangsar.

Planet inhabitant Shahrizan arrived slightly ahead of time at 9.22pm and using his charms (only in small measures needed), managed to cajole the staff for a vantage spot in the restaurant. Gradually Victor, Gina and Adam followed suit. By then, the excitement was palpable only to be heightened by the presence of an Anita Sarawak vintage record.

After Joey and Lukman arrived, the conversations became multi-directional and fleeting from one topic to another. Amidst food and drinks and despite the high decibel environment, glares and glints from other diners, we managed to catch up with each other and bantered about food (nasi kandar, nasi padang etc), concerts (previous and coming #kerasukan40 concert), gossiped and reminisced about the Planet Sheila Majid and funny incidences over the years. A pleasant surprise came when the elusive Habib finally appeared after terawih prayers with him being shy and slightly nervous. We were glad to have Midnight Malaysia clubhouse members, Azri, Fadhil and his wife, Lynna joining in the fun too. The camaraderie built from our clubhouse sessionsand the syiok sendiri spirit was in full display.

The party adjourned a little past midnight – after curfew time for some of us – just because it took 30 minutes to say goodbye and posed for photos. We spied another artist chomping down his roti canai before departing. Instantly remembered that he recorded the song Jauh Jauh. The connection with Sheila Majid? She sang this song beautifully during her Big Band concert. Yes, that is how our brain works.

It’s so lovely to see you all got together in person. I can’t wait for the opportunity to meet up with you all this August!
That hashtags #kerasukan40🤣🤣🤣
We shall make a huge banner of the hashtag for the concert !