It was the Hari Raya week and already Friday. Needed to go to the mosque for my Friday prayers. Left the office and drove to the mosque. When I got there, it was pouring.
After the wuduk ritual and all that, I proceeded to the main hall to perform my prayers. As I was doing all that, there’s this pakcik who decided to park himself just ahead of me. Not thinking of anything, I recited some duas. As I was doing just that, I saw the uncle’s t-shirt. It was a white Sheila Majid crew t-shirt! I smiled to myself and went along my business.
After the prayers, I caught up with the pakcik and sat beside him. I told him, I like your t-shirt. He quickly said, oh I’m sorry. I didn’t have anything else to put on, so I grab my son’s t-shirt. I quickly responded, no no. That’s ok. Just needed to tell you that I’m a big fan of this person on your t-shirt. He looked up at me and gave me the widest smile.
We chatted a bit more and I did have a photo of him and me.
Pakcik pakai t-shirt Sheila Majid.

This is such a sweet story! Thank you for sharing Izzey.
Cool lah pakcik💯
heeee… your welcome!